This article is a summary of a movie called Bloody Isshq, which was created by the youtube channel. The main character in this movie is an aspiring female rapper who has been bullied and misunderstood throughout her life for being different from all other girls in her community. In final year she creates a song that helps people realize that they should be proud of their identity and protect themselves from bullies by defending their true selves. She releases the song onto the internet, gets "approached" by a major record label and becomes famous overnight. The movie ends with her performing in a concert and playing her song to a bigger audience that she originally would've. The movie is very similar in content to the song of the same name by Yungen. All of Yungen's tracks are included in this video, along with all the ShoutMeLoud tracks that are included in this video. This article is an online remix of a youtube video called 'My Song' created by the TheDizBiggieChannel. The story begins when a girl, normally no one notice her, makes an album on her own without help from friends or family. One day she was on her way to school when she tripped over a rock which broke the case on her mp3 player. Her CD fell out of the case and was about to get stepped on by another student. When another person stopped the girl from stepping on the CD, She told her that it was an awesome CD. The girl that broke her case then became popular with everyone listening to her CD all day everyday that people started calling her "Lil' Miss". After this news spread throughout school, Lil' Miss became famous with everyone wanting to get their hands on one of her CDs. She then posted a video where she had a little dance of herself before starting to sign. After that Lil' Miss became "famous" after posting her YouTube video. With her fame, people started to bully her on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Reddit which made Lil' Miss feel more down. After posting a video of one of the bullies she was told to keep it moving because if she keeps posting videos about bullies they won't hear of her anymore. She then posted "What did I Do Wrong?" which was very famous on Instagram with over 50,000 views. After that Lil' Miss sent a copy of the song onto Youtube where it had over 300,000 views in just under 24 hours. This prompted many more people to watch the video and post comments on it after they heard it for the first time. After the video had been out for a couple of hours, this is when people started hearing the song on the radio. Lil' Miss then went on to becoming famous and posting more videos on social media which would go viral after she posted them.
This article is an online remix of a youtube video called 'THE UMBRELLA MOVIE' created by the The DizBiggieChannel and it shows how one umbrella can change a person's life and teach them many lessons. The movie starts off with a man standing at a bus stop with rain pouring down all around him.
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